The days of GeoCities websites with their hardcoded, immutable HTML are long gone. Today’s websites and applications are interactive and dynamic. Effective user interface design focuses on eliminating as many barriers, bottlenecks, stumbling blocks, and potential sources of misunderstanding from the user experience as is practical. 

Above all else, the goal is to design a fluid and easy space for all people to utilize, enabling them to accomplish their goals with the least hassle. Every UI design job is naturally unique, particularly regarding the little particulars. 

Additionally, a solution that works for a mobile app may not always be the best option for desktop software or a website. However, effective UI UX design rules exist for all projects and platforms.

Understanding UI design

Developing all the visual components, a user sees and experiences while interacting with a digital product is known as user interface design

The purpose of user interface (UI) design, a subset of user experience design, is to develop consistent, accessible, and effective products that are user-friendly and intuitive but with a stronger emphasis on aesthetics and visual design. Although UI designers’ work frequently goes undetected by consumers, it may significantly affect how a product is used.

Importance of UI design

People interact with products through the user interface (UI); thus, businesses need to get the UI right if they want to boost user engagement, decrease user mistakes and issues, improve functionality and usability, and build customer loyalty.

UI designers are now more crucial than ever in offering businesses a competitive advantage as more businesses strive to create products that solve challenging issues, are enjoyable to use, and give consumers a sense of success.

Know more about UI and UX Design

User interface and user experience design rules have many similarities and areas of attention. Both disciplines have the same objective of building a user-friendly, functional, and accessible product, and both are focused on producing the greatest user experience imaginable. The extent of their effort is where they diverge.

A typical UX designer focuses on the complete user experience and considers user motivations, behaviors, the context of the environment, and what users ultimately need and desire. 

UX designers will create new product features in collaboration with UX researchers, pinpoint user pain spots that need to be resolved, and propose design-based solutions to customer issues. 

User interface and user experience design have many similarities and areas of attention. Both disciplines aim to create the best user experience possible and create a user-friendly, functional, and accessible product. The extent of their effort is where they diverge.

A UI designer often concentrates on the product’s visual appeal. UI designers focus on how users can interact with a product, such as the design of buttons and icons, the precise placement of images and text, the visual representation of various page elements, and the features that enable users to navigate through a web page or app, rather than on the reasons why a user downloaded an app or where they might be using it. 

Contact us for the best UI/UX design services at 21twelve Interactive! 

Golden Rules of UI design

The golden rules for user interface design listed here can—and indeed should—be used in practically any UI design project you work on. At your own risk, disregard these unbreakable laws!

1. Focus on being consistent

Similar circumstances should call for similar action sequences. Consistency aids users in navigating your app with ease and achieving their objectives. A UI UX design becomes predictable when it operates consistently, allowing users to comprehend it.

As an interface designer, you should remember that your user is not only using your product but also gaining ideas and expectations and creating intuition from various other goods. 

It includes how to utilize certain functionalities intuitively and without explanation. If your design is inconsistent and unfamiliar to people, things might quickly go wrong and irritate them. 

2. Consider universal applicability

Consider the requirements of various users while designing and facilitating content transformation. The spectrum of needs that informs design is enriched by variances between novices and experts, age ranges, impairments, and technological variability. 

The interface design may be enhanced by including features for experts and beginners, such as shortcuts and a quicker pace. It would raise user perception of the system’s quality. 

3. Offer insightful criticism

There should be adequate, legible feedback for every activity within a reasonable time. Users may therefore understand what is happening. The response might be moderate for regular, little acts but can be significant for substantial, infrequent ones.

4. Design discourse to achieve resolution

After a set of tasks, operators receive helpful feedback that signals it is time to prepare for the following operations. This feedback also offers them a sense of achievement and relief. Inform your user of the outcome of their activity, so they don’t have to waste time trying to figure it out. 

E-commerce websites that guide customers from product selection through checkout and conclude with a clear confirmation page that completes the transaction are typical examples.

5. Error prevention and straightforward error handling

Design the system to prevent users from making severe mistakes as much as possible. If a user does make a mistake, the user interface should recognize it and provide clear, helpful, and detailed directions for recovery. 

The layout of the website does not encourage major errors. If an error is made, as many actions as feasible should be recoverable. 

The latter is particularly crucial since it makes it easier for users to explore new alternatives, reduces their worry, and may even save them time, especially when the units of reversibility range from a single action to a data input activity to an entire set of activities.

6. Permit simple action reversal

Actions should be as reversible as feasible. Because the customer knows that mistakes are fixable, this feature reduces worry and encourages examining new possibilities. 

Units of reversibility can be a single action, a data entry task, or an entire sequence of actions, such as inputting a name and address block. Instead of beginning over, provide your user with the option to reverse the action.

7. Encourage the internal center of control

Experienced operators need the feeling that the interface is under their control and that it reacts to their actions. Unexpected interface behaviors, laborious data entry sequences, the inability to access or difficulty in acquiring the required information, and the inability to perform the intended action all contribute to anxiety and discontent. Make consumers the drivers of activity, not the recipients of the action.

8. Avoid making the UI design too complicated

At all times, try to use the fewest steps and screens feasible. Use overlays like modal windows and bottom sheets to reduce data and your program’s size. 

Ensure that the data is organized logically, independently, and completely on its own. In reality, grouping jobs and subtasks together is a guiding principle of UI design. 

Always combine intellectual thinking with practical application while grouping. To arrange screens and their information, create a logical and unambiguous taxonomy. Similarly, constantly minimize the steps required to complete a task.

9. Clearly label your signposts

The sixth of our core UI design rules focuses on information labeling and intuitive arrangement. Using your app shouldn’t be daunting or difficult for first-time users. It should be enjoyable to explore the UI, and usage should be practically automatic. 

A clear, logical, and well-marked page architecture is a must. Users shouldn’t ever be uncertain about where they are in the program or the actions necessary to access any other area they pick.

10. Provide pertinent criticism

Inform users of their advancement. Please acknowledge that you have received their activities. Large, significant, and uncommon activities necessitate large, significant kinds of feedback. Smaller and more regular deeds, however, need less formal recognition. 

Always have completely correct status information that is also conveniently accessible. Users should always be aware of what is happening without looking for it out of the blue or worrying that the app has stopped working.


Research, concept generation, prototyping, and testing are just a few of the hard and soft talents that UI design fosters in its fulfilling and imaginative profession. A solid UI UX design service may be the difference between a product used by millions of people and one that struggles to find an audience, making it a crucial talent that can significantly influence organizations. 

Furthermore, it might be the difference between developing a solid brand and a following of devoted customers and developing a reputation for poor customer service. As a UI designer, you will have the chance to influence how users interact with products while also using your creativity to address challenging design issues.


The three golden rules of UI design are mentioned below:
  • Rule 1: Make consistency and usefulness a priority.
  • Rule 2: Facilitate a relaxed and transparent exchange.
  • Rule 3: Avoid mistakes.

The 10 rules of good UI design are:
  • Go for an Almost Invisible User Interface.
  • Maintain Consistency.
  • Use page layout carefully.
  • Utilize texture and color strategically.
  • Utilize Common UI Elements: One of the Principles of Effective UI Design.
  • Put the UI within the user’s control.
  • Reduce Cognitive Demand: Recall over Recognition.
  • Use Typography to Create a Visual Hierarchy and Keep One Primary Action per Screen.
  • Limit Your Gestures to a Few.

The golden rules of the user interface are:
  • Make an effort to be consistent.
  • Aim for general usability.
  • Give insightful criticism.
  • Create dialogues that result in closure.
  • Prevent mistakes.
  • Permit simple action reversal.
  • Maintain user control.
  • Reduce the strain on short-term memory.