Ruby on Rails is a great platform for creating web apps. It has robust features that speed up web app development using the MVC pattern. The framework’s design adds extra features simply by using the most popular Ruby gems offered by the Rails community.

The various ready-made solutions offered by Ruby on Rails are well-known for facilitating fast software development. Using Ruby on Rails gems, which have libraries with specified functions, is the main way to achieve better performance. Rails offer a gem for every purpose, and here are the 10 Best Ruby on Rails Gems you should know about:

How is Ruby Gem used?

(RoR) is a framework for server-side applications built in Ruby and offered under the MIT Licence. You can browse the ruby gem apps here and even use some gems to build completely functional apps.

A web service, database, and database configurations are included in the MVC framework called Rails. The use of web standards, such as XML or JSON for data transport and CSS, JavaScript, and HTML for user interaction, is assured and made simpler.

In addition to the MVC pattern (CoC), Rails strongly focuses on using other well-known software engineering designs and paradigms. It includes Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY), active record patterns, and convention over configuration.

1. Pry

When writing the code, programmers often had problems with library integration or binding these Ruby gems. They have to deal with a lot of errors at that time.

Hence, hiring a Ruby on Rails developer with much experience is preferable. Pry is the best option to remove these concerns and debug the errors.

This gem enables its developers to set breakpoints and use gradual code debugging. Pry offers unique features, including syntax highlighting, runtime invocation, command shell integration, support for exotic objects, and a flexible and effective command scheme.

2. ActiveRecord Import

Almost all of the records can be simply inserted using ActiveRecord Import. It produces marginal SQL insert statements in line with ActiveRecord associations when needed. An experienced Ruby on Rails development agency won’t have to deal with the N+1 insert problem if they use this gem. 

It can be difficult to upload many records with this Rails gem, but ActiveRecord is a great choice for uploading ten records. ActiveRecord Import significantly decreases the time for transformation and is also helpful for importing outside data.

3. Devise

The device is used to make the authentication process simpler. The developer must provide authorization and authentication for the specific application, such as an eCommerce solution or a social networking platform.

Some programmers prefer to do this using their code. However, Devise is the ideal gem for the job; you can even do it in Ruby. The device is one of the most excellent Ruby on Rails gems, with over 20 modules. The modules include Omniauthable, Database Authenticatable, Registrable, Confirmable, Trackable, Recoverable, and more.

4. Figaro

Figaro is one of the most well-known RoR gems. One should have a YAML file and an Environment Variables (ENV) record for a safe configuration of the web apps created using Rails.

A show that is probably sufficient to keep the organized data and SCM separate from one another is displayed in this rails gem. The ENV is loaded with the value from the YAML file after analysis.

5. Cancancan

Cancancan is good for developing complex apps. Clients can set up various rules, but developers must limit access to only specific people. This gem shows how simple it is to create user access boundaries, which can be controlled from one place.

The ‘Approvals definition library’ module of Cancancan enables developers to design client-specific techniques. Similarly, it gives the assistants easy access to endless objects, but they first need to check those permissions.

6. Factory Bot

Factory Bot is a Ruby on Rails software library that offers factory methods for building test fixtures for automated software testing. Factory Girl, the library’s original name, is also occasionally used instead of Factory Bot.

The fixture objects may be ORM objects with pre-existing database records, mock objects, or plain Ruby objects with a specified state that may be produced instantly. By effectively providing phoney data to test cases, Factory Bot speeds up the testing process by doing the tedious and error-prone manual data-entering work for you.

7. Delayed Job

Delayed job is one of the best Ruby on Rails gems for more difficult consecutive actions for background tasks. It can be extracted from other tools, where various errands are considered. Regarding controlling intensive running activities, the Delayed Job gem is among the best Ruby gems.

Sending many newsletters, picture scaling, spam checks, group imports, updating smart collections, and HTTP downloads are integrated into Delayed Job’s new features.

8. Kaminari

The name Kaminari is derived from the Japanese word for “thunder,” created in 2011. Kaminari may be the most widely used gem for Ruby programmers. Kaminari is a complex paginator for Rails 3+ that is Scope & Engine based, powerful, clean, agnostic, and customizable.

Almost every online application uses pagination in some capacity to divide up returned data and show it on multiple pages inside a single web page. The reasoning behind creating and presenting the links to the various pages is also included in the pagination. There is also a Client-side or server-side pagination. 

9. Rails_best_practices

On the list of the most popular Ruby on Rails gems, the Rails_best_practices is one of the most unique. Although it doesn’t identify faults in the code, it does point out the lines that might later result in execution errors.

It provides useful recommendations for raising the quality of the code, including model annotation and other things. You can see the Ruby on Rails app’s status, track your code improvement over time, and share test results with other developers using the Rails_best_practices gem.

10. SimpleCov

SimpleCov is a Ruby on Rails gem for analyzing code coverage. It gathers code coverage data using the built-in Ruby Coverage library, but processing the results is much assisted by the clear API it offers to filter. You can aggregate, merge, format, and display those findings with a full code coverage suite.

For most applications, you normally want complete coverage results for your projects, including various tests. SimpleCov handles this by automatically combining and caching data while creating reports. Now, your report includes coverage from all your test suites and offers you a clearer picture of any gaps.

How Does Ruby Gems Work?

You can simply download, install, and use Ruby software packages on your system with the help of the Ruby Gems program. The software package is called a “gem,” consisting of a packed Ruby application or library.

Some of the Ruby on Rails gems offer command-line functionality that helps automate tasks and accelerate productivity. You can learn about its working process in any of the Rails tutorials.

What is the Purpose of Ruby on Rails?

An app development technology ‘Rails’ gives web developers a foundation and a coding template for ruby programming. The RoR framework helps programmers create apps and websites by simplifying and abstracting common repetitive tasks.

Final Thoughts

The accepted standard for developing Ruby on Rails web projects is to use Ruby on Rails gems. The gems mentioned above are powerful enough to fix any usual problem when creating a Rails application.

When you hire Ruby on Rails consulting, problems with uploads, file testing, authentication, and authorization can be easily resolved. When you use their services, the need to reinvent everything for new apps can also be eliminated.


Devise, a popular Ruby gem, offers configurable authentication for Rails web applications. It is a Ruby gem that is widely used.

Rails developers may add Ruby gems that are compact, reusable bundles of code to their projects to increase functionality.

It is simpler for developers to write maintainable, clear, and scalable code with Ruby on Rails, which offers a standardized and structured way to create web applications.