Businesses have prioritized investment in various tools and technology throughout the past decade. Why not? In this era of digitization, companies can gain much from these latest innovations.

JavaScript and Ruby on Rails (RoR) are next-gen technologies for web apps. These are two different programming languages, each with other usage comes with pros and cons of their own.

The right one to choose will depend on your particular requirements. Read below to learn in detail about Ruby on Rails development and JavaScript development:

Understanding Ruby on Rails

Introduction to Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails (RoR) is a web framework created on top of Ruby for server-side or back-end programming. The Ruby framework is more prevalent among developers for desktop and web applications. It provides the basic framework and optional functionalities for creating a web application or website. 

The Rails runtime environment is a closed system with the Ruby interpreter and additional assistance applications, libraries, and scripts. Ruby on Rails development is best for the back-end framework.

Key Features and Advantages

Ruby on Rails, also known as Rails, is preferred for back-end development. Some of Ruby on Rails’ key features and advantages include:

  • Large Community: Ruby on Rails has a large and vibrant community as it is an open-source framework,
  • Quick: Ruby on Rails has a moderate learning curve. Developers can understand various technical features by consulting the documentation for Ruby on Rails.
  • Tooling: The Ruby on Rails tooling system helps developers explore and offer more features and capabilities in less time.
  • Libraries: It offers a standard framework for creating web applications that respond to all the common patterns. The documentation for Ruby on Rails has information on each of these libraries and designs.
  • Code Quality: Ruby on Rails develops original, higher-quality code.
  • Efficiency: Ruby on Rails is highly effective compared to leading back-end technologies.

Use Cases and Industry Adoption

Ruby on Rails development is the most commonly used in the following areas:

1. E-commerce Websites:

For online businesses who want high-quality web development along with security and accountancy solutions, RoR has many beneficial benefits.

2. Complex Software Development:

With the RoR convention over configuration technique for web development, it is possible to work with conventional programming standards.

3. Entertainment Platforms:

RoR is the perfect tool for this task because of the rapid growth of business and the desire for high-quality, quick coding. The framework attracts more businesses as microservices and internal security applications are available. 

Limitations and Challenges

Limitations and challenges of Ruby on Rails include the following:

  • Runtime Speed: Ruby on Rails is slower.
  • Lack of Flexibility: Ruby on Rails’ rigid interdependence between models and components makes it an excellent choice for back-end developers creating web projects. However, customizing and incorporating particular app features can be difficult.
  • Documentation: Finding quality Ruby on Rails documentation can sometimes be difficult for libraries that rely on less popular gems and mixins.

Exploring JavaScript

Introduction to JavaScript

Javascript is a powerful programming language that mostly runs in web browsers and allows dynamic and interactive user interfaces. People use JavaScript development not only for web browsers but also on the server side to create mobile apps.

JavaScript is a programming language that allows for the creation of complex online programs as well as interactive web pages. It can manipulate the DOM, manage events, and communicate with web APIs.

JavaScript in Full-stack Development

In JavaScript development, both front-end and back-end programming are called JavaScript full-stack development. It is the only language to use across all software layers.

For front-end JavaScript, there is a significant selection of possible frameworks. Many newcomers have emerged in addition to Angular.js, the most popular front-end development technology for many years.

In server-side JavaScript, the most widely used approach is to utilize the Express web framework with Node.js for the database, which can be MongoDB or any alternative.

Key Libraries and Frameworks

Four notable JavaScript frameworks that serve various JavaScript development needs are as follows:

  • Angular.js: Developers favor Angular.js for creating complex web applications. It follows the one-page app model and supports the MVC architecture. Angular.js allows developers to extend the HTML vocabulary with JavaScript, improving user interactions. 
  • Backbone.js: Backbone.js is simple and efficient for developing web applications. It offers MVC support, routing, RESTful API support, and state management. 
  • D3.js: The D3.js library is perfect for data manipulation and creating data-driven web pages with rich visuals. It uses SVG, HTML, and CSS to combine data into the Document Object Model (DOM) and facilitate data-driven events.
  • React.js: React.js is known for its virtual DOM concept. It improves performance by updating only the necessary elements, making it a popular choice for developing complex but beautiful user interfaces.

Comparing Ruby on Rails and JavaScript

Knowing about the comparison between Ruby on Rails and JavaScript will help you make informed decisions before you hire a Software Development Company. Here’s a critical comparison of Ruby on Rails vs JavaScript:

Speed of Coding

Ruby on Rails (RoR) is favored for back-end development due to its quick code delivery and rich libraries, providing flexibility to programmers. People often use JavaScript for front-end development.


JavaScript is for both client and server-side, and it is event-driven and single-threaded, making it beneficial for low-latency applications. Ruby on Rails lacks full support for asynchronous code, may have slower CPU processing, and requires more experience to handle concurrency.


Ruby on Rails and JavaScript offer sophisticated documentation, but inexperienced developers may need more time and effort to understand the languages or frameworks.


As evident in Google Trends data, JavaScript enjoys higher popularity, indicating its dominance over Ruby on Rails.

<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script> <script type=”text/javascript”> trends.embed.renderExploreWidget(“TIMESERIES”, {“comparisonItem”:[{“keyword”:”/m/0505cl”,”geo”:””,”time”:”today 12-m”},{“keyword”:”JavaScript”,”geo”:””,”time”:”today 12-m”}],”category”:0,”property”:””}, {“exploreQuery”:”q=%2Fm%2F0505cl,JavaScript&date=today 12-m,today 12-m”,”guestPath”:””}); </script>

Easiness to Learn

Consider Ruby on Rails more beginner-friendly, making it suitable for web development students. JavaScript needs developers to have the necessary background knowledge and skills to learn the language.


People often see Ruby on Rails as more secure because it includes built-in security tools that protect against various threats. JavaScript, mainly on the client side, faces security risks and needs proactive security measures.


Solid and active communities around both Ruby on Rails and JavaScript support developers and contribute to technology improvements.

Pros and Cons of Ruby on Rails:

Sr. No Pros Cons
1. Learning the basics is easy, and investing time can lead to fast and effective development. There are many tools available to simplify coding and save time. While RoR is good in basic tasks, its standardized elements can limit creativity for unique features.
2. RoR offers multiple community-created “gems” and debugging, optimization, and testing libraries. These tools enhance the software design experience.  Constant framework, tools, and library changes may be overwhelming, particularly for beginners.
3. RoR has a large, active community. The community provides support for those getting started. While RoR’s boot time is relatively long, people debate its runtime speed.

Pros and Cons of JavaScript:

Sr. No. Pros Cons
1. JavaScript is a versatile language for creating interactive web pages, adding functionality, and even building games. JavaScript’s interpreted nature can result in slower execution as the browser analyzes the code before running it.
2. JavaScript is well-suited for client-side development. Simplifies updates and ensures compatibility on various devices. The lack of native file-handling capabilities in JavaScript makes it challenging to write the code, slowing down operations.

The Future of Full Stack Development

Key trends that will have an impact on Full Stack development that Front-end and back-end developers should be aware of are:

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI advancements are helping the creation of more efficient applications and task automation. With their clear understanding of technology, full-stack developers will play a crucial role in integrating AI components.

Machine Learning (ML)

Machine learning is a subset of AI and focuses on developing systems that learn and adapt autonomously. Full-stack developers will be well-positioned to support data engineers and scientists in their data-driven work.

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT development involves integrating various systems and devices. Full-stack developers can contribute by understanding device integration, data collection, and data usage for user benefits.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain, known for its role in cryptocurrencies, is finding applications in identity and supply chain management. Full-stack developers are essential for migrating operations to the blockchain, bringing transparency and encryption to industries.

Final Thoughts

Ruby on Rails and JavaScript are essential parts of modern web development. JavaScript allows developers to create interactive user interfaces and dynamic online applications, whereas Ruby on Rails’ convention-based approach makes server-side development easier.

You will find it easier to choose the Full Stack Developers who Develop rapid applications if you are aware of the benefits and drawbacks of Ruby on Rails and JavaScript.


People demand object-oriented programming languages like JavaScript more than Ruby on Rails because they can use them to create client-side web apps and web pages.

Many notable companies use both Ruby on Rails and JavaScript, and some of them include
  • Etsy
  • Shopify
  • GitHub
  • Airbnb
  • SlideShare
  • Hulu

Yes, developers commonly use JavaScript and Ruby on Rails for front-end development. While Ruby on Rails is primarily a back-end framework, it can be integrated with JavaScript to improve the interactivity and functionality of web applications.