Nowadays, grasp the fundamentals before learning how Unity may assist them in developing mobile AR applications. A technique that overlays real-world objects with artificial ones is known as augmented reality. As a result, they can operate better and more productively.

It is a method for representing and presenting real-world data. Virtual elements reflect the state of the world. Unity game development will examine Unity’s AR Foundation framework in-depth for creating an app. You can utilize both ARCore and ARKit simultaneously due to the AR Foundation.

You can choose a target picture to overlay your model using image tracking. Unity game development will help locate and position the model on your printed target picture. Your model will be placed on real-world objects in plane tracking mode. Here you will come to know how to create an Augmented Reality Game with Unity, which is listed below:

What is Augmented Reality?

Combining digital visual elements, sounds, and other sensory stimulation with holographic technology produces an enhanced, interactive representation of the natural world. Three elements comprise augmented reality, such as a fusion of the digital and physical worlds, in-the-moment interactions, and precise 3D object recognition.

Augmented reality offers a more efficient way of producing, curating, and delivering easily understandable instructions by overlaying digital content in realistic working environments. When a business understands augmented reality and uses it successfully, everyone may work remotely while collaborating effectively.

What is Unity?

Unity is a robust cross-platform developer IDE and a 3D/2D game engine. Unity Technologies created it to give more game developers access to game creation tools, a revolutionary endeavor at the time. The engine has seen significant development and expansion throughout its lengthy existence, managing to stay up with the most recent procedures and technology.

With an intense concentration on real-time 3D development, they have extended their reach into other industries, making it one of the most potent engines accessible.

What is the AR Foundation?

Now, two primary AR SDKs are on the market, including ARKit and ARCore for Android. With the help of the AR Foundation API, developers can easily create AR applications for both platforms. Developers can use separate projects for Android and iOS or even more complicated code. AR Foundation has it all bundled up into one.

How does it work?

Games and design demand that the physical world is understood from a camera feed, i.e., the AR system must comprehend what is in the environment and where it is before adding digital objects to a scene. Using computer vision, this is accomplished. Hire Unity 3D Game Developer who knows to use AR frameworks to detect planes, distances, and other critical 3D computations. The procedure itself is sophisticated and could cover an entire topic independently.

Install Prerequisites:

  • Obtain and set up Unity Hub. At this stage, you should create a user account.
  • Start Unity Center from Add > Setup. From the selection, choose Unity 2019.1.f7 (the most recent stable version).
  • Select Android Build Support or iOS Build Support from the installation page. It is essential to click the icon next to Android Build Support and choose Android SDK and NDK Tools. You can bypass step 4 if you do this.
  • Android Studio can be downloaded and set up. If required, they will use it to obtain the most recent Android SDKs. Remarkably simpler and suggests installing Android SDK and NDK with Unity. For more complex use cases, installing Android Studio and making games with Unity will give you access to an Android development environment on your computer.
  • Get the most recent version of XCode from the App Store.

Contact us to Create Immersive AR Games with Unity and AR Foundation

Setup Unity Project:

Find the Agora Video SDK for Unity3D in the Unity Asset Store, or select this link to start the download and add it to your project. If a subsequent SDK release has a different layout, the Unity game development has the current SDK version archived here. 

The files for the various systems the SDK supports should be visible once you have finished downloading and importing them into your project. For your convenience, Unity game development will help to access the fast start guides for each platform listed below.

Open Package Manager in Unity Editor by selecting the Window option. Setup the upcoming applications:

AR Foundation -> Preview.3 – 2.1.0

AR Core XR Plugin -> Preview.5 – 2.1.0

AR Kit XR Plugin -> Preview.5 – 2.1.0

AR Kit Face Tracking -> Preview.6 – 1.0.0

Build Process:

The stages involved in building your Unity project for iOS are complex. The original Unity tutorial is available here for testing your augmented reality apps on iOS. You should be prepared to start editing the content once you have followed the steps at the link below:

  • An iPhone / iOS device with at least iOS 11
  • Latest XCode
  • Apple Id

Please follow the tutorial on this website while keeping these in mind: constructing your Unity app for iOS testing. If you follow the instructions, your app should be installed on your smartphone. Start the program, then aim your camera at one of the photos in the ImageTracking>Images folder. The template model should show in the picture. You can skip to the part about importing your model into Unity.

Developing for iOS:

Building for iOS is comparable to building for Android, but there are a few additional steps. They must first install a program named Xcode. It is available for installation from the Apple website or the App Store. Hire Unity 3D Game Developer will help to modify the build framework within Unity.

(File > Build Settings) Open the Build Settings box. Click Switch Platform and choose the iOS device. The Project Settings box will then appear after clicking the Player Settings button. The best unity game will make sure the Player option is selected here:

  • Please put the name of the app you want it to be named on your device in the Product Name field.
  • Unity game development will ensure Auto Graphics API is turned on in Other Options.
  • They still have a few items to change, so scroll down more.
  • Set your app’s Bundle Identifier to a distinctive name.
  • Set the Camera Usage Explanation to the purpose for which the camera will be used.
  • Select ARM64 as the Architecture
  • Go to the ARKit interface by selecting the XR > ARKit tab now. Click Create to save the image to the Assets folder at this point.
  • The screen will then alter, so modify the Requirement to Optional.
  • Now they can create our program. Return to the Build Settings box by selecting File > Build Settings. Then select Build, and wherever you like, save.
  • After creating the project, let’s navigate to that folder and double-click the Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj file to launch Xcode.
  • They upload to the device from within Xcode. In the upper left corner, select Unity-iPhone to launch the project.
  • We require an account that is linked in order to build a device. You must click the Accounts option in the Preferences window (Xcode > Preferences). Let’s pick Apple ID by clicking this area’s “+” icon. After logging in, your account should appear in the roster.
  • Turn on automatically handling signing in the main Xcode window.
  • Set your Squad to your account after that. Now that everything is ready make sure your device is plugged in and press the Play icon to start the Build.
  • It should only take a few seconds after the app launches for the placement indicator to show.


From those mentioned above, a series on augmented reality and Unity’s AR Foundation framework, they gained some knowledge of the fundamentals of AR, the Unity user interface, how to set up their device, and how to publish their very rudimentary test application on Android.

Unity game development began to develop an augmented reality app in the following series of installments. They will learn about object placement and plane detection through user interaction with their software.


  • Create a new 3D project or open a current Unity project.
  • Select Window > Program Manager from the menu.
  • Select Unity Registry next to Programs.
  • Search for “AR Fund” in the search box.
  • Click Install.

The choice between Vuforia and the AR Foundation for creating augmented reality is clear: Vuforia is what you need. Although the AR Foundation is a unique platform, it is best suited for games and other lightweight applications and lacks the equipment required for commercial applications.

Yes, the most excellent option for AR developers is Unity. You always favor using Unity when creating Virtual content. For producing the most lifelike Augmented Reality experience, Unity game development offers one of the finest and most recent features. Unity uses AI to perform the finest real-time object occlusion and tracking.