Before going into the brief of this topic we must learn the basic information about the database and its importance. What exactly is a database?

The database is a systematic platform designed to store loads of data and access it whenever required in any operating system. These contain some complex algorithms and coding work to build up a good format for successful data storage and operations.

Many CMS development company design and produce different levels of Database software having some or the other unique qualities. Understanding the need of the hour for use of electronic devices for data storage such as database systems help a lot.

An audit was taken in 2019 for the best DBMS and Oracle leads the position by 1279.14 points with MySQL at the second position. The Data Management market is estimated to reach $22 billion by the year 2023, thus proving that modern technology is incomplete without DBMS.

It is not an easy process to just form a database and infuse it into the operating system. It needs proper maintenance and a way of putting things in order. A Database Management System would solve all these problems effectively.

What is a Database Management System?

DBMS as it stands for, it is software that helps in managing to capture the data and analyze it by interacting with the users or end application throughout the process.

So, basically, it operates automatically simultaneously as you execute any specific function on your device or on the operating system.

The database, DBMS, or other associated applications used for the process can be termed the whole database system.

You carry out a task and it gives you the option of saving it; this is the most basic explanation of a database system.

Many database platforms have been developed to date and choosing the right one for your operating system can create turmoil in your brain due to the various advanced qualities each one of them has.

What is MySQL?

MySQL is an open-source database management system developed by the Oracle Corporation. It is more of a relational database system and thus stands as RDBMS. A relational database is a form of database that is formed for storing data in a closely structured format using rows and columns format.

Features of MySQL:

☛ Client-Server system

With the help of other application programs, you can easily communicate with the server due to its simple structure and many can function using the local area network from different computers.

☛ Compatibility

MySQL Database is highly compatible with querying and upgrading data. The most important benefit is that it can have a large number of extensions.

☛ User interface

A large number of the user interfaces are available for the application of a MySQL server.

☛ Programming Language

MySQL supports various programming languages such as C, C++, Java, and many more.

☛ Speed

Considered to be one of the fastest database systems, MySQL is designed very critically to carry out its processes at a good speed saving a lot of time.

Benefits of MySQL:

☛ High performance

The MySQL latest version is specifically developed for the best performance. The database is very promising for its optimum performance and unique memory cache even for E-commerce websites. It can solve a million queries at a time.

☛ Support

When it comes to choosing MySQL or MongoDB or any other system, this database management system ranks at the top as the best transactional database engine.

With multi-version transaction support and a flawless lower-level locking system, it guarantees good quality in operational procedures.

☛ Flexibility

Being an open-source software, MySQL is very flexible in terms of its use. With enhanced security, it ensures effective transactions even for large-volume projects. Debugging can be done faster.

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is another database management system highly competing with the MySQL platform. It is a cross-platform database platform or known as the NoSQL program.

It uses JSON-like documents with Schema. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation which is an open-standard file format.

Features of MongoDB:

☛ Data Duplication

Similar to MySQL, MongoDB can be run through multiple servers at a time. Sometimes, it happens that there is a hardware failure causing loss of data, hence data duplication is possible which again saves the day.

☛ High Storage capacity

The database system is capable of storing large-size files without causing any complications in the speed.

☛ Ad Hoc queries

Ad hoc query is the non-standard inquiry of a programming language. MongoDB easily supports such queries and manages the further process without any obstacles.


Known as the MongoDB Management Service, it allows the user to track the previous database and other forms of data already used as input in the system. With optimum and high-quality tracking software, this system is best used when detecting malware even before its anticipatory attack.

Benefits of MongoDB:

☛ Easy to scale

This database system is easy to scale as you do not require converting your data into accessible forms for your operating system. Data is stored in JSON format.

☛ Less Schema

A schema is a collection chain of logical formulas which binds the data together. MongoDB has a great advantage over other databases due to its schema-less framework. The data can be stored in their respective form without getting compiled as one single chain. Thus, each structure has its own credibility.

☛ Application

MongoDB is used in a wide variety of fields like mobile and social infrastructure, content management delivery, etc.

What is PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) particularly popular for extensibility. It supports quite a lot of functions and procedures that MySQL or MongoDB doesn’t.

Features of PostgreSQL:

☛ Extension

Several extensions can be added to one server for effective functionality. This system can handle it very well at a single point of time.

☛ Compatibility

PostgreSQL is compatible with a range of operating systems like Linux, Windows, UNIX and many more.

☛ Structured Query Language

It stands as a great database management system for using structured query language for database access. This prevents the uncontrolled transfer of data from one table to another without the proper code.

☛ ACID-compliant

ACID is the acronym for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability in a DBMS.

Web Development Services recommend using PostgreSQL as it is ACID-compliant which means it knows the procedure of recovering from any software failure in a structured format that can happen during any data transaction.

This feature ensures that data always remains accurate and consistent in the system, no matter how many failures occur.

Benefits of PostgreSQL:

☛ Open Source

Not a catchy one but important for any database management system, PostgreSQL is an open-source system with wide development techniques available for many operating systems.

☛ Functions

The system is supportive of many modern programming languages of the current computer world and is also helpful for the server environment.

☛ Indexing techniques

It provides diverse indexing techniques for your data. Indexing means retrieving the data stored in the records from the files in a recognizable way.

☛ Full-text search

The full-text search feature is available with PostgreSQL for the data stored in your system. You always don’t need to apply to code for specific data notations

Data comparison between the DBMS can be quite complicated but proper management will help you in selecting the right one. Take the example of MariaDB, it is a commercially developed fork for the MySQL database management system.

A fork is a kind of addition to a system database. Web developers take licensing authority from the parent management system and based on their code develop an independent system with more distinct features or outputs.

What is MariaDB?

MariaDB can be called an extension to MySQL with high compatibility with the same DBMS.

Features of MariaDB:

☛ Open Source

MariaDB is an open-source database management system while MySQL is a kind of relational one. It means that MariaDB has its bugs and data development plans publicly accessible.

☛ Speed

MariaDB has more speed than MySQL for better operations in the computer system. Speed is a crucial factor when it comes to accessing data and its storage.

☛ Schema Flexibility

We know now what schema in a database is for; MariaDB has an extensive set of SQL functions for data storage and documentation.

☛ Compatible Store Engine

MariaDB has the upper hand in compatibility offering more than 20 such engines while MySQL has only 10.

MariaDB is no doubt way ahead of MySQL in terms of features as it is an enhancement to the MySQL version. But due to duplicated source from the original one, it may give different results.

Benefits of MariaDB:

☛ More cutting-edge features

The enhanced version of MariaDB is the best when it comes to the various option of features like improved GIS support. GIS is nothing but geographical information system to store and analyze geographical data. MariaDB has this feature to easily locate and retrieve your data from the system.

☛ Key Management

A structured key management system is available with MariaDB for your data while MySQL has the same benefits only in the enterprise edition of this DBMS.

☛ Invisibility

You must be thinking, what kind of invisibility does a database management system work upon? Well, MariaDB has this exciting trait of invisible columns in it which can be created without being listed in the result of selected statements. It is not necessary to assign a value to such statements saving your energy in putting codes for each algorithm.

☛ Thread pool

A thread pool is nothing but a chain of single threads which are ready to embed any kind of data. Basically, whatever you type in a specific format is a kind of thread that allows it. When queries are short and the load is less, MariaDB supports this thread pool capacity.

MySQL vs MongoDB vs PostgreSQL vs Maria DB is something we have to sort out when looking for the best database management system.


Many performance tests have been undertaken over a long period of time to choose the pros and cons of each database management system and the results differ according to your requirements.

Maria DB vs MySQL is a long-lasting confusion however, if you are installing DBMS software for the first time, MySQL is always better due to its simple processes algorithm. For the more advanced stuff you are looking for; MariaDB is a great option.

PostgreSQL is more popular these days than MySQL or MongoDB due to its extensive standard compliance out of the way customer support. But, if you are looking for some real-time caching based on the above features MongoDB is worth a try.

It is hard to decide on a good DBMS for your operating system. Each one of them has a special advantage of owning and what kind of data you need to store decides its selection.