Why should founders of software startups, who have likely spent years using more traditional programming languages, switch to Golang now? As the Go programming language rises in popularity, it is sure to be one of the burning topics on the minds of startup entrepreneurs.

According to GitHub’s State of the Octoverse report for 2020, Golang was the third-fastest-growing language on their platform, based on the number of contributors.

It takes time, energy, and, in some cases, the rehiring of experienced programmers to switch to a new programming language. That also implies scrapping much of the work done on obsolete systems.

Companies are under increasing pressure to provide a quicker and more responsive app experience as internet speeds gradually rise. Go was spotlighted in the era of multicore CPUs and high-speed broadband internet, promising to make programs run tenfold quicker.

So, let’s look at all the fuss with the programming language Go and why you should hire golang developers.

What Are The Advantages Of Using Golang?

Here are some legitimate arguments for why Golang, as opposed to other programming languages, is preferable.

1. Golang is Lightning-Quick

Golang is a compiled language. Thus every program typed in it is instantly translated into representations that a computer’s processor can understand.

While this happens, the Java code is converted into bytes that the virtual machine may utilize to run the application. Consider using network programming with golang in a firm with a flatter structure, where tasks may be accomplished more quickly due to the need for middle management.

Golang might be used to do this task. Go is much faster than other popular programming languages like Java and Python, which improves service availability and reliability.

2. Learning Golang is Simple

One further incentive to utilize Golang services is that it is easy to pick up and use. Software developers who are proficient in C or Java will have no trouble picking up the Go programming language. Even though there may be some slight variations in the vocabulary and syntax, programmers can take up Go Fast since the procedural method is the same.

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3. Golang’s Scalability isn’t a Problem

Golang’s strength in dealing with concurrency makes it a viable option. That’s why this is an excellent example of why. The Go programming language’s goroutines feature allows several functions to be executed in parallel and independently.

Goroutines are readily scalable if it is essential to perform several processes in parallel since they only utilize 2 kilobytes of memory. However, goroutines do not block Java threads since they are asynchronous.

JavaScript’s async programming approach is fused with Java’s built-in multithreading to produce goroutines. In contrast to Java’s heavyweight thread, Golang’s goroutines are lightweight and efficient.

Technically, millions of GoRoutines can be run without causing system instability. You may get ahead of the competition in your field by using more streamlined and efficient software when hiring golang developers.

4. Comprehensive Programming Tools

Since this is an open-source project, your team should be able to secure the required development resources easily when they hire dedicated golang developers. Various code editors, IDEs, and plugins are available for download from the Go repository on GitHub. As for cloud-based IDEs, there is a select handful that is Go-friendly.

5. A Growing Supply of Qualified Individuals

Hired claims that Go has overtaken Java as the most in-demand programming language. Companies realize the benefits of adopting Golang, so programmers everywhere are brushing up on their Go skills in droves.

Those with golang programming in their software strategy have access to a growing pool of skilled workers. The pool of potential hires will likely include at least one coder with experience.

Use Cases for Deploying Golang

Golang is undoubtedly a great option as a platform on which to construct websites since it was created specifically for this purpose. It allows golang developers to create scalable and secure online applications quickly. It will also enable organizations to rapidly deploy their apps on several operating systems.

Golang may be used to build and scale cloud-based computing systems. Docker and Kubernetes were created using the Go programming language and are great examples of Go’s use in cloud computing.

Docker, a platform as a service, makes containerized software distribution feasible. Contrarily, Kubernetes is a free and open-source container orchestration technology that facilitates automated application deployment, scaling, and management.

Go has historically been used for backend programs but is now used for front-end apps. You can hire golang developers to create cross-platform GUI apps.

These programs won’t be fighting for a million-dollar prize, but they show that libraries in the Go programming language may also be used for such tasks.

Golang may be used to create CLIs, which is very helpful for DevOps initiatives. The Kubernetes command line interface and the Docker command line interface (CLI) are good examples. Go is also easier to use than Bash when writing complex programs.

How is it time to start using Golang for your project?

Getting your goods and services to market quickly is crucial for a startup. The sheer volume of users will eventually force companies to seriously consider adopting Golang or risk delivering a subpar experience to their customers. Only well-designed marketing strategies can do this.

Ever vigilant in its pursuit of global expansion, Netflix has rewritten the Rend service in Go. Connection management is within the purview of this service. In addition, Uber has used Golang’s scalability to increase the availability of its geofence microservice.

If you want to expand your company’s e-commerce capabilities or launch an on-demand service, migrating to Golang and deciding to hire golang experts is a good idea.

Golang has a thriving open-source community with over 90,000 repositories on GitHub. Go is unlike other thread-based languages because it does not impose speed restrictions on its users.

As software changes and new features are added, it may become increasingly challenging for programmers to understand the codes written by their predecessors.

Maintenance and problem-solving response times might be affected by these sorts of issues. Salesforce is moving to the Golang programming language in anticipation of problems with readability in its Einstein Analytics.

If you anticipate a rise in demand for services that will overwhelm the current infrastructure, you will need to switch to Golang. Companies with consistent, predictable growth that rely on prompt server responses might benefit from using Golang.

The Advantages of Golang Over Other Languages

1. Go vs. Python

Go and Python, two popular programming languages, provide vastly different functionality. Reading ease, execution time, error reporting, library support, and many other factors separate them.

For example, both languages support concurrency but Go does it in a far more user-friendly way than Python. Furthermore, in Python, describing the types of arguments delivered to functions is not required.

Problems may arise if the parameters of a process are not clearly described or if the person using the function misunderstand what the inputs represent. As a result, thorough documentation is essential for Python’s built-in functions.

Go is a compiled language, while Python is an interpreted one; this is a major difference between the two. This is the main reason why Go is so much faster than Python. Both languages have a fundamental and direct syntax that makes them easy to learn and use.

2. C++ vs. Go

Go and C++ have advantages and disadvantages, so deciding which to employ requires careful consideration of many issues. C++ is an object-oriented programming language that has many applications.

Go, a programming language, was created with readability and growth in mind. It is a concurrent and procedural language that is shorter.

C++, on the other hand, is a general-purpose, object-oriented, procedural, functional, and intermediate programming language. C++ has experienced extensive syntactic growth throughout its life, producing a contemporary language vastly different from its beginnings.

For What Sorts of Tasks Does the Go Programming Language Excel

  • The code it generates is more readable and runs more quickly
  • To build every imaginable application due to its still-maturing nature
  • To solve the issue of software scalability
  • Golang is excellent for use in backend development
  • It supports concurrent functions and has a very tiny memory footprint
  • It is ideal for creating e-commerce websites, which often get millions of monthly visits.

In most circumstances, the backend of a late-stage golang development company with a rapidly expanding user base will need help to keep up with the influx of activities.

Dropbox, a service for sharing files in the cloud, uses the computer language Golang to handle its 500 million-plus user base efficiently. Furthermore, the Golang application is the driving force behind resource-heavy applications like Docker, Terraform, and Kubernetes.


Go is a popular choice for projects involving the development of websites, cloud-based systems, and cross-platform mobile and desktop applications. Teams may greatly benefit when they hire golang developers since it is often used to improve and speed up the CI/CD procedure.

The simple and efficient syntax makes it a useful tool for DevOps groups. Go’s strong community is an additional benefit since its members work together to improve the language and push it forward.


Golang is a great option for constructing high-performance, reliable network applications because of how well it manages concurrency and how well it supports type safety.

Suppose you want to ensure the security of your Golang network application. In that case, you should follow secure coding standards, do frequent security audits, and utilize third-party libraries that are actively updated and maintained.

Best practices for scaling Golang network applications include:
  • Using a distributed design.
  • Implementing load balancing and caching.
  • Optimizing database queries.
  • Using monitoring tools to identify and address performance bottlenecks.