It becomes necessary to choose the appropriate website framework with regard to JavaScript. It is the sole decision of the entrepreneur or businessman to choose the version of JavaScript for their website. Some entrepreneurs might prefer AngularJS Development Company while some others might choose a ReactJS company for developing web-based applications for running their businesses.
Most entrepreneurs or businessmen shall take decisions of deploying the JavaScript according to the nature of their business. According to a particular survey, one out of three hoteliers prefers AngularJS Development Company for developing their menus. This is solely because of the fact that this JavaScript involves web-based applications developed onto a single page.
There are some other entrepreneurs who choose NodeJS Development Services over any other versions of JavaScript. This may be due to its lightweight and server like features which are mainly powered by Chrome V8 JavaScript. According to statistics, the back end functionality is approximately 87%; full stack functionality rises to an approximate of 89%, front end functionality measures to an approximate of seventy percent, and other features measure up to an approximate of 69%.
But minorities of entrepreneurs or businessmen are still confused with the decision of choosing the type of JavaScript for their enterprises or businesses. ReactJS Company may be approached for entrepreneurs or businessmen seeking for social media attention for their businesses or enterprises. The unique selling proposition of the ReactJS is that it is a dynamic library which enables the provision of newsfeeds at the same time when the particular user is communicating over the messenger.
What is AngularJS?

AngularJS is a version of JavaScript which concentrates on building web-based applications on single page interfaces.
☛ Benefits of choosing AngularJS:
- HTML based user interface (UI)
The user interface provided by this category of JavaScript is that of HTML. The HTML is a quite simple language and is easy to understand. Since this is an HTML based JavaScript, the controls or attributes applied are entirely supported by HTML. Hence, this makes the AngularJS trustworthy for usage. Research reads this as a fabulous user interface when the factor of ReactJS vs Angular is considered.
- Flexible Filtering and usage of Directives
This particular JavaScript is flexible as it enables the use of filters and Directives through the framework or skeleton of HTML. This makes the website application development much easier by helping in avoiding the otherwise dominating nature of the Directives through Document Object Model. This indicates that the Document Object Model for this particular JavaScript can be easily customized as per the requirements of the user.
Routing is easy for this version of JavaScript. Thus, hassle-free usage of this version of JavaScript for building the required website application.
A particular user does not need to get nervous at the time the framework is tested for web-based application structuring. This is because there is a feature of Dependency Injection which supports the controlling factor of the web-based application. This means that fictional data are put or injected into the framework to test it and record its output.
As this version of JavaScript is based on HTML, the qualities of template designs are strong and visually presentable.
☛ Limitations of AngularJS:

- There are performance issues in the final version of the JavaScript. These issues are mainly due to factors related to the Data Object Model.
- Debugging of scopes is a tedious task.
- Though the routing may seem easy for this version of the JavaScript but is not seamless or unlimited.
- The functioning of the final web-based application turns slow like a tortoise if factors like videos or hyperlinks are tried to be embedded in them.
All these limitations should be kept in the mind while Angular vs. Node vs. React is being considered.
What is ReactJS?

ReactJS, first of all, is not a framework. It is based on a set of pre-written JavaScript which is also known as JavaScript library. The objective of ReactJS is to solve the issues related to the functioning of huge sets of data in the framework of the JavaScript.
☛ Benefits of choosing ReactJS:
- Effective Optimization into the search engine
The Data Object Model of this particular version of JavaScript is based on virtual factors. Hence, despite being a heavier version of JavaScript, it can easily be detected and be run on various search engines. This is also the unique selling proposition of this JavaScript.
- The only JavaScript which enables customization
There also exists a JavaScript partner for this particular version of the JavaScript. It is known as polymers. Along with this friend comes another who is known as the Data Object Model of Shadow. But ReactJS can singularly provide customization of web-based applications without taking the help of other JavaScript.
- The efficiency of the next level
Operations pertaining to that of the Data Object Model are very costly. But ReactJS tends to eliminate these costs by including a virtual version of the Data Object Model which enables changes in the Data Object Model and modifying the tree of the Data Object Model. All these factors make this JavaScript more efficient and robust for use.
- Debugging is easier with ReactJS
Debugging of the JavaScript is much easier. This factor should be kept in mind while thinking ReactJS vs. Angular.
- Component-based JavaScript
This version of the JavaScript is based upon various components. A particular syntax also known as JavaScript extension syntax enables HTML. This helps in gaining subcomponents in the web-based application. As also, various other components can be added from other foreign sources.
All these factors enable this version of JavaScript to contribute to the building of universal or isomorphic web-based applications.
☛ Limitations of ReactJS:

- JavaScript extension syntax is not the cup of tea for every website developer.
- It is a library for JavaScript and not a framework based on HTML or any other software
- Some complex or complicated integration may demand conversion of ReactJS into Model View Controller.
- Complexity in structures
These limitations should also be kept in mind while thinking of NodeJS vs.ReactJS.
What is NodeJS?

The framework of this version of the JavaScript is such that it looks more like a server than an ordinary JavaScript. This is because; it is supported by the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine.
☛ Benefits of choosing NodeJS:
- Proxy on the shoulders of the server
The unique selling proposition of this version of the JavaScript is that this enables proxy on the side of the server. This means that multiple connections with respect to acquiring data from various sources can be enabled only through the JavaScript version of NodeJS. It also means that a proxy service can also be enabled for masking various services with variant responses and their time. Also, an application can be constructed for the client with the help of a server developed by NodeJS. This can be based upon assets through a valid Application Programming Interface.
- The unique element of Node Package Manager (NPM)
This is a very unique and important element with regard to the JavaScript version of NodeJS. This is one of the unique selling proposition of this version of the JavaScript as it is involved with package management. This particular package manager also consists of various modules. Some of these are
- MongoJS and MongoDB
- Connect
- Bluebird
- Lodash
- Pug
- IO and SocketJS
- Moment
- Streaming of audio and video data
This version of the JavaScript also involves in coding the framework in such a way that audio and video data can be streamed live as well as a proxy feature between two different data resources is enabled. Also, big sized data are also extracted or streamed from various sources through the usage of this JavaScript.
This is a unique feature of this JavaScript and should be kept in mind while comparing React vs. Node.
- Largely supported through input-output methods
The framework of this particular JavaScript is such that it is largely supported by input and output methods.
All these factors should be kept in mind while comparing NodeJS vs. AngularJS vs. React.
☛ Limitations of NodeJS:

This version of the JavaScript is based upon an impractical framework which demands of fulfilling multiple tasks in a single click. However, this is practically impossible as a Central Processing Unit of a particular system shall be unable to take up the load pertaining to a number of tasks.
- Need for technical know-how
This version of the JavaScript demands the need for knowledge and understanding of the expert level. Ordinary people cannot develop or take the benefits of such JavaScript.
- Love for only website servers
This version of the JavaScript is compatible only with website servers and not with the ordinary central processing units of the laptops or the desktops.
All of these limitations should be kept in mind while comparing NodeJS vs. Angular.
According to specific daily statistics, it has been recorded that the AngularJS requires an update in every approximate of sixteen days, while NodeJS shall update in every six days approximately, and ReactJS shall also update in approximately every six days.
Among these three players, ReactJS stands out to be a winner by gaining an approximate of 72,000 downloads. Also, among the three, AngularJS has a negligible amount of dependencies. In terms of downloads, ReactJS Company stands out to be a winner by gaining an approximate of one and a half million downloads on a weekly basis and also gaining an approximate of five million downloads on a monthly basis.
Based on these statistics, it was found out that entrepreneurs or businessmen irrespective of their industry mostly prefer to hire ReactJS developers for helping them build a robust framework. ReactJS Companies also offer seamless customer service in case the user faces any problems while operating their web-based applications. The coders or software developers help to fix the errors in the JavaScript framework. It is also the sole discretion of the user for choosing the version of JavaScript for their business or enterprise.