We are in a moment in civilization when raw resources and materials are becoming even more limited. When we considered the extreme levels of emissions, pollution, water scarcity, and soil degradation, we know the sustainability problems that appear on the skyline are real.

But into this similar situation, we recently have the appearance of global 3G mobile networks.

Even though app technology and agriculture may look disconnected on the surface, there is already a rising number of data to recommend the use of cloud-based and the use of mobile technology in agriculture for not only sustainability issues but also financial value for large and small farmers.

Mobile App for Agriculture is here to help. The introduction of Mobile App for farming and wireless, portable devices has resulted in the creation of innovative applications and services that are applied inside the agricultural chains in many countries.

If a Mobile App Development Company wants to offer something for the workers who are the backbone of your society something useful, Mobile App for Agriculture is a good avenue to explore.

Modern life is highly dependent on the tech advancements.

Modern tech devices have become inseparable from the lives of modern humans. Starting from morning alarm to complete schedule management as well as for entertainment purposes, for almost every activity we majorly depend on different types of apps.

For the increasing usage and demands of mobile apps, almost every day, different apps get launched for the leading mobile platforms. Mobile apps started for various industries, and the agriculture industry is not left behind!

Adoption of Technology into Agriculture

Both developing and developed countries are waking up to the benefits of the agriculture app. However, the reality of the adoption of such technologies in these two markets displays some differences.

In developed nations, automation is more efficient and the labor force in agriculture is noticeably smaller.

Here, mobile apps tend to be introduced higher up the value chain. In developing nations, where a massive part of the workforce is engaged in agriculture, mobile technology is more often applied to deliver services for traders and producers.

The use of mobile technology in agriculture includes market data such as financial services like insurance, payments, and loans, peer-to-peer learning, weather data, and trading tools.

How Mobile Technologies and Apps Help Farmers

Dispersing information related agricultural to farmers in the most affected communities is made simpler with the aid of the widespread use of mobile phones, online education, incorporated IT systems, and cloud computing.

One of the advantages of such data flow and connectivity is that it supports farmers to make the most effective decisions on managing their land.

For instance, it can allow soil conditions to be observed with weather data to make better strategies for the harvesting and planting season.

Likewise, Geographical Information Systems can be applied to offer pre-emptive data on animal diseases and pests so farmers can react according to the level of hazard.

Maximizing the application of water, fertilizer, and seeds can also be performed by applying cloud computing and mobile technologies. This supports the farmer to save costs while decreasing waste.

Impact of Mobile Apps on the Agricultural Industry

The agricultural industry fulfills the needs of food, energy as well as shelter. Integrating Tech advancements with the agricultural industry will increase the productivity.

The introduction of mobile apps into the agricultural industry by top custom mobile app development company will enhance the full potential of agricultural yield.

Embracing mobile technology, the agricultural industry can witness unexpected growth. Such apps will be helpful for the tech-savvy farmers and the trend will pass-on to the next generation.

IoT technology is introduced into the agricultural industry which amazingly has extended the limit of internet connectivity with digital devices and physical objects.

With IoT technology, weather forecasts, remote water valves, pest control, system monitoring, food storage as well as transportation of data has gone easier. And now, with the integration of water filters into IoT systems, ensuring clean and safe water has become just as effortless.

Information is exchanged with farmers via sensors or mobile apps through mobile phones.

How Mobile App Technology Making Agricultural Industry Smarter

1. Deciding the smarter crop

Different crops require varying atmospheric conditions and lands to yield higher.

Combining the power of AI- Artificial Intelligence with IoT, the farmers can survey the land and get notifications on their mobile through the apps.

With such advancement in technology, the farmers can smartly decide the crop that would bring higher profits with high production as per the suitability of atmosphere and land.

2. Smarter technology for irrigation

Planting a good harvest is not enough to yield higher! Supplying the right quantity of water over the flooded area at the appropriate time is essential for higher productivity.

Managing water supply is indeed a challenging task remotely. With smart humidity sensors, water valves along with a monitoring system, water supply can be achieved effectively via mobile apps.

The entire data is accessed by farmers through mobile apps. Smart irrigation facilities and the least wastage of water will efficiently help the farmers.

3. Info about the weather forecast

Production of crops primarily influenced by climate or weather conditions. A frequently changing environment could damage the plants for which the farmers will suffer huge losses.

With the smart mobile apps, the farmers can quickly detect the weather information in advance and take appropriate measures in prior before deciding to harvest or plant crops.

With the advanced mobile apps and IoT technology, the farmers get weather forecasts with high accuracy which are real-time based. Collecting such helpful information, the farmers can plan different agricultural activities with perfection.

4. Evaluating the growth of crop production

Farmers need the right irrigation facilities, appropriate pest management and perfect weather for yielding crop production.

The farmers need to measure and evaluate production regularly for which they need to monitor the field and growth. With smart technology, this important responsibility can be well managed from a distance as well!

For checking soil temperature, air temperature, humidity, pressure, and much more essential things can readily determine with Remote sensors. The dedicated mobile apps can well manage all these tech works.

5. Monitoring safety food storage

After harvesting the crop, the farmers need to store the foods with safety. Crop storage is a significant responsibility for the crop production process.

Correct crop storage methods must be followed to ensure growth in profits. Accurate temperature, air-control, humidity and pressure in the storage house must be maintained, and the farmers must remain updated with real-time information.

With the latest IoT technology and involvement of advanced mobile app, technology helps the farmers to monitor the storage control in real-time.

Trends that Support the Use of Mobile Apps

What has made these technologies so favorable to get adopted in the developing nations is an expansion of mobile apps and phone usage?

According to research, 78% of households in the world have mobile phones in 2011, which was a massive jump from 20% in 200.

Even in the areas of the lowest rates of penetration (675=% in Sub-Saharan Africa), mobile and mobile apps usage is quickly increasing.

Currently, mobile services and apps are being created and launched in various sections of the world.

Agricultural Research Service from USDA currently launched the initial range of Mobile App for Agriculture named LandCover and LandInfo. You can download it from the Google Play Store, and only for use in Android phones.

These apps link global agricultural producers and present them shared knowledge on methods to optimize productivity on the land while preserving their sources for the coming generations.

Such distributed knowledge is becoming more significant as agricultural producers demand to meet the increasing population’s need for fuel, food, and fiber.

☛ Examples of Mobile Apps From Around the World

Let us take a look at some examples of Mobile App for Farming. Reuters Market Light is an SMS service based on the subscription that offers regional data on weather, commodity payments, and crop cultivation.

Among the most useful factors of information and communication technology in agriculture is real-time payment data which supports farmers when they decide on selling or holding their produce and to determine the best crops to cultivate, and Reuters Market Light helps supply this data gap.

FarmerLink is a solution through mobiles for enabling the value chain of Filipino coconut farming.

This was designed by Grameen Foundation and integrates farm information and satellite information obtained by field agents equipped with mobiles to support coconut farmers to raise productivity, deal with crop diseases and pests, and boost the sustainability of other farms.

Due to outbreaks of diseases in certain Filipino coconut provinces, this Mobile App for the farming app was developed as it combined farm and satellite data collected by field agents to detect and predict climate, disease, and pest threats. This is a working example of a first-warning arbitration.

Vodacom in South Africa has teamed up with GIZ on behalf of the Manstrat Agricultural Intelligence Solutions and the German government to release a Mobile App for Agriculture to help smallholder farmers in South Africa into commercial farming.

These offer farmers the help they require. It boosts sustainable practices for farming, improves productivity, and decreases risk.

As a result of sourcing from small farmers, it becomes more executable and practical for retail companies and food manufacturers, raising the number of subsistence and smallholder farmers in industrial farming value chains.

Mobile Technology and Smallholder Farmer

Amidst the hype of smartphone mobile apps in agriculture, what is the actual position of smaller farmers: they, who are more vulnerable to the risks of farming, such as climate change, who are hardly reaching the profit margin, who is often farming to just feed their family.

So, it is they who require low-cost plans more than anyone else.

The current improvements in Cell Phone Technology and the Internet bring to the front the amazing possibilities to leapfrog or ride over, the expensive and unnecessary technologies that the smaller farmers can not afford.

They can now use existing services and tools. Even though the decentralized infrastructure of 500 million smallholder cooperatives and farmers is a task, one thing that Cell Phone Technology can and has accomplished is data flows and connectivity.

Yet, the means and ability to be the first to use these technologies have always wrested from the huge private organizations.

It is these private organizations that can and should afford to invest in mobile technologies. Yet, so far, they have just done it when official standards force them to do so.


The overarching Cell Phone Technology benefits of agriculture app are that it diminishes corruption, transportation, and transactional consumption. It can usher in pest tracking, disease tracking, storage, and product traceability.

Studies have stated that traceability information on Mobile App for Agriculture not just helps maintain food opportunities but also forces the overall business administration.

In developing nations, they can offer a major part of agriculture in the world, improve levels of efficiency and finally, decrease farming environmental impacts.

Advancement of technology is a boon for the farmers. Involvement of mobile app technology and latest IoT technology in the entire process is quite helpful for the farmers in many spectacular ways.

Realizing the importance and helpful features of mobile app technology, the agricultural industry in the developed countries embrace the new technology for increasing their productivity and profits!

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